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Kubernetes Feature / Kubernetes 1.17 Feature: Kubernetes Volume Snapshot Moves to Beta

By Xing Yang, VMware & Xiangqian Yu, Google

Published by :Kube Admin

The Kubernetes Volume Snapshot feature is now beta in Kubernetes v1.17. It was introduced as alpha in Kubernetes v1.12, with a second alpha with breaking changes in Kubernetes v1.13. This post summarizes the changes in the beta release.
Kubernetes Feature / Kubernetes 1.17 Feature: Kubernetes In-Tree to CSI Volume Migration Moves to Beta

By David Zhu, Software Engineer, Google

Published by :Kube Admin

The Kubernetes in-tree storage plugin to Container Storage Interface (CSI) migration infrastructure is now beta in Kubernetes v1.17. CSI migration was introduced as alpha in Kubernetes v1.14. Kubernetes features are generally introduced as alpha and moved to beta (and eventually to stable/GA) over subsequent Kubernetes releases. This process allows Kubernetes developers to get feedback, discover and fix issues, iterate on the designs, and deliver high quality, production grade features.
Kubernetes Feature / Kubernetes and Containers Best Practices - Health Probes

By Magalix blog

Published by :omar

Health Probes are important building blocks of highly-observable services. Learn in this article how to use Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes. Improve your app's reliability. They are quite easy to implement btw ;) What's inside: - Why do you need Health Probes in your applications? - What Is The Health Probe Pattern? - What is The High Observability Principle (HOP) - How to Apply Health Probe Pattern in Kubernetes?
Kubernetes Feature / Kubernetes 1.13: Simplified Cluster Management with Kubeadm, Container Storage Interface (CSI), and CoreDNS as Default DNS are Now Generally Available

Published by :Kube Admin

We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.13, our fourth and final release of 2018! Kubernetes 1.13 has been one of the shortest releases to date at 10 weeks. This release continues to focus on stability and extensibility of Kubernetes with three major features graduating to general availability this cycle in the areas of Storage and Cluster Lifecycle. Notable features graduating in this release include: simplified cluster management with kubeadm, Container Storage Interface (CSI), and CoreDNS as the default DNS.
Kubernetes Feature / Pod Priority and Preemption

Published by :Kube Admin

Pods can have priority. Priority indicates the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods. If a Pod cannot be scheduled, the scheduler tries to preempt (evict) lower priority Pods to make scheduling of the pending Pod possible.